Saturday, April 9, 2011

How To Piss Me Off On Facebook

I just read a blog on defriending people and then had to defriend someone shortly after. I hardly EVER defriend people so here are some examples of how to get me to defriend you:

Case One

You McPantsface: There's a lockdown at my school cause someone mistook a camera man on the roof for a gunman!
You McPantsface: Haha They thought it was a shot gun.
Me: Thats awful. What an idiot. Shot guns can't be used for sniping.
You McPantsface: My thoughts exactly.
Random Guy: You know nothing about shot guns. I'm going to call you names until you know things about shot guns.
Random Other Guy: That guy knows.
You McPantsface: You tell her!
Me: I admit I was wrong because I thought of buckshot, not shells. Thanks for calling me names.
Random Other Guy: You're stupid. You've just been educated.
Random Guy: I hate your name.

/Defriend You McPantsface

It's not so much that he didn't stand up for me, it's that he agreed with me and then turned around and agreed with the trolls. Not mature. Not friend material. Bye.

Case Two

Dude Von Tool: "You can never be too rich or too thin."

Dude Von Tool: "It ain''t over till it''s over."

Dude Von Tool: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"

/Defriend Dude Von Tool

Okay, yeah, quotes are fine sometimes. I like some of them. Sometimes I post them myself; everyone does at SOME point. But generic quotes all day all the time? No thoughts of your own? Really? Bye.

Case Three

J.C. Freak: Smile! God loves you today!

J.C Freak: God has a plan! I'm so happy that his plan will work for me, even if it's not right now! The Bible says so.

J.C. Freak: John 3:16, Numbers 2:15, Isaiah 7:8-12. Read them and feel good today!

J.C Freak: Today my mouse was eaten by a snake that somehow came in through the dog door. I am sad that he didn't go to heaven but I know that God has a plan for this. Praise the Lord!
Me: That's sad. I'm sorry about your mouse.
J.C. Freak: Thanks. God has a plan.
Me: So... he has a plan for what, exactly? To make the death of your mouse somehow help you? It looks like it helped that fuckin' snake...
Me: Why are you yelling at me?

/Defriend J.C. Freak

There never has been and never will be intellignet conversation with this person. Lots of my friends are Christians and we can leave Christianity out of our relationship since I, you know, like Satan and all. They don't try to save me, I don't try to 'educate' them, everyone's happy. Bye.

Case Four

Boner El Stoner has invited you to Happy Farm Land.

Boner El Stoner has answered an extremely personal and possibly inappropriate question about you!

Boner El Stoner needs your help gathering bat guano for his harvest in Happy Farm Land.

Boner El Stoner is excited to inform you that his cow is having mutated twins in Happy Farm Land.

Boner El Stoner has hired some whores in Ghetto Gangsta Trashville and needs a pimp!

Boner El Stoner has invited you to Sardine Aquarium Hell.

Boner El Stoner has ordered his serfs to strip naked and run through briars until they like it in Mideval Mound of Magical Malarky.

Boner El Stoner has invited you to kick chickens in Happy Farm Land.

/Defriend Boner El Stoner

What the fuck, dude? Fine, play the games. I waste my time on games too and it's fun, but if all you're going to do is invite me to games and NOTHING ELSE then there is nothing in this relationship worth preserving. Bye.

Case, Last

Punk McCreeper: Nice pics. You're really hot.
Me: Thanks! <3
Punk McCreeper: I wanna see more <3
Me: Haha XD Maybe in like, March LOLOL

Punk McCreeper: It's March. Where are the pics?
Me: Huh?
Punk McCreeper: The pics you said you'd take in March. The ones of your tits.
Me: Wait, what???
Punk McCreeper: Don't deny it, it's right here:
>Punk McCreeper: Nice pics. You're really hot.
>Me: Thanks! <3
>Punk McCreeper: I wanna see more <3
>Me: Haha XD Maybe in like, March LOLOL

Me: wtf is wrong with you? I was fucking kidding. See the "LOLOL"?
Punk McCreeper: I'm just reminding you of what you said. Are you going back on it?
Me: Back on WHAT? I said nothing about giving YOU tit pics. Ever.
Punk McCreeper: Don't deny it, it's right here:
>Punk McCreeper: Nice pics. You're really hot.
>Me: Thanks! <3
>Punk McCreeper: I wanna see more <3
>Me: Haha XD Maybe in like, March LOLOL

/Defriend Punk McCreeper

I like to post fun, provocative pictures of myself sometimes. It's FUN and I do it when I FEEL like it, not when you want me to. It's my body and I'll do what I want. You ain't entitled to shit. Bye.

I'm sure there are more things that will get me to defriend people, but it really takes a total jackass idiot to make me mad enough to not give them a second chance. So... don't be a jackass idiot lol

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